Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

The principle is to move

The principle is to move the connecting end of the branch or the end of a branch of a plant on the top branches of other plants. Then, the connection diuikat.
4. Menyetek
Is the most common because it is easy kerjakan.Kita dilalakukan just cut the branch about 20 cm deep in the ground and membenamkanya cm.Arah 5-10 buds should be facing up.
5. Tissue culture
Plant hormones encourage the advancement of agricultural experts to develop patterns of vegetative production through tissue culture techniques. The network is extracted from the leaves, stems, roots, or other plant parts. Through this technique can produce plants that are very much in a short time.

B. Generative reproduction
Generative is that plant breeding is to breed in abundance, namely the convergence of male cells found in the stamens and female cells contained in the pistil. Meets 2 cells would eventually bear fruit with the seed in 2 that dikotil. Plants that were bred in this way usually have a genetic trait that is different from the parent plant and usually decline. The process of sexual reproduction requires a male and female gametes. The process of seed plants marriages preceded by pollination and continued with the process of fertilization.
1. Open pollination in seed plants (gymnosperms) is the attachment of pollen to mikrofil (liang ovules). And a single conception.
Gymnosperms such as reproductive males and Strobilus Strobilus females.
The process of pollination in gymnosperms generally assisted by the wind. Examples of open seed plants include:

Reproduction with Leaf

Reproduction with Leaf
The edges of the leaves will grow, for example cocor duck. Meristematis nature. Consequently, from the edges of the leaves can grow shoots and roots that would be separate from induyknya to form a new plant. Such Peproduksi also called reproduction through budding advintif
b. Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
Raproduksi human kind is intentionally done to obtain new plants bersifatnya same parent. The new plants taken from mother plants that have grown large, so that the new plant will quickly result in the same properties as the parent. The following describes examples of artificial vegetative growth.
1. Grafting
Grafting performed on dikotil plants by removing most of the skin and kabium in a circle on a branch. Then the wound area covered by soil or other media and tied and left to grow roots.
2. Bow
How this is done with merundukan branch plants down so that it touches the ground. Stem is covered with earth, especially the part that has the segment. In the segment will grow akara and shoots.
3. Sticking and connect
Menpel (grafting) and aims to connect two similar plants mengambungkan properties or semarga. Opulasi principle is emnumbuhkan the plants in other plants. Usually, the part that is ditemnpelkan buds.

Vegetative reproduction is

Vegetative reproduction is a development that does not go through the process of conception to reproduction does not require sex cells. As a result, the properties of this new plant reproduction similar to the parent plant. With him the nature of the new plant with the mother superior. Vegetative reproduction vegetative reproduction can be divided into natural and artificial vegetative reproduction.
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a. Natural vegetative reproduction
Reproduction of this type do not involve a mixture of human hands. Natural vegetative reproduction include the formation of buds, sugarcane, cassava stems, leaves cocor duck, laos
1. Roots Live
Live roots or rhizomes or rhizome is a horizontal stem that grows like the roots in the soil. Of this section, which shoots grow into a new individual, such as the rosary bungga, galangal, and ginger.
2. Trunk Bulbs
Stem or tuber tubers are food reserves stored in the trunk and it is located in the ground. If the bulb is planted, it can grow into a new plant shoots. Examples of plants that reproduce by tubers are potatoes and cassava.

Photosynthesis is one way

Photosynthesis is one way for the photosynthetic carbon assimilation of CO2 free carbon bound (fixed) to gulasebagai energy storage molecules. Another way to be taken is the organism to assimilate carbon through chemosynthesis, by some sulfur bacteria.
Until now photosynthesis was studied further because there are still a number of steps that can not be explained, even though it very much is known about this vital process. The process of photosynthesis is very complex because it involves all the main branches of the natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry or biology alone.
From the observations on this event can be distinguished which one is better in the process of photosynthesis in plants using a beam of sunlight or without sunlight. Photosynthesis lasts in two stages, the reaction Teran and dark reactions. Reactions involving bright sunlight while the dark reaction does not involve sunlight, chemical reactions involving dark. After conducting field observations for the reaction Tarang and in the laboratory for the dark reaction

VI. Knot
Based on the results of the process of photosynthesis and pengamata brief explanation above we can conclude some of the following.

Photosynthesis involves sunlight to obtain perfect results
The process of photosynthesis through two stages, namely the reaction of light and dark reactions. Reactions using beams of light and dark reactions matahri only involves a chemical process
Hydrilla verticillata is used as an object of observation because these plants are aquatic plants that are directly related to water
In the light reaction, the amount of bubbles produced more than dark reaction. This is because the light reactions relate directly to the sun so that the number of bubbles (O2) more produced. The process of Photosynthesis In Plants

Photosynthesis is the process

Photosynthesis is the process of formation in plant foods with the help of sunlight. The ingredients of photosynthesis is glucose, CO2, and other organic materials. In this lab, observations of objects used is Hydrilla verticillatai. Hydrilla verticillata is included in monocotyledoneae class, race and ethnicity hydrocharitaceae helobiae. Hydrilla verticillata is aquatic plants that live in fresh water. Hydrilla verticillata is used as an object of observation for water plants including plants that are directly related to water and oxygen. And water, oxygen is a factor supporting the course of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis lasts in two stages, the reaction Teran and dark reactions. Reactions involving bright sunlight while the dark reaction does not involve sunlight, chemical reactions involving dark. After conducting field observations for the reaction Tarang and in the laboratory for the dark reaction, our observations of gaining.
Table 1. The number of bubbles

Oxygen is only produced

Oxygen is only produced from the photosynthesis of water, instead of carbon dioxide. This was first revealed by C.B. Neil van who studied photosynthetic bacteria in the 1930's. Photosynthetic bacteria, in addition to cyanobacteria, use does not produce oxygen as it uses ionization or hydrogen sulfide.At the same time the ionization photosystem II, photosystem I light also ionizes, releasing electrons are transferred along the electron transport chain which ultimately reduces NADP into NADPH.
Dark Reaction
ATP and NADPH produced by the photosynthetic process triggers a variety of biochemical processes. In plants, the biochemical triggers is the Calvin cycle that binds the carbon dioxide to form ribulose (and then into sugar such as glucose). This reaction is called the dark reactions because it does not depend on the presence or absence of light so that it can occur even in the dark (without light). (Hardianto, 30: 2004)

Light reaction is a process to produce

Light reaction is a process to produce ATP and reduction NADPH2. This reaction requires water molecules. The process begins with the capture of photons by the antenna pigments.Chlorophyll pigments absorb more visible light to blue (400-450 nanometers) and red (650-700 nanometers) than green (500-600 nanometers). The green light will be reflected and captured by our eyes causing a sensation that the leaves are green. Photosynthesis will produce more energy at a particular wave length of light. This is because the shorter wavelengths greater energy savings.
In the leaves, the light is absorbed by chlorophyll molecules to be collected at the reaction centers. Plants have two types of pigments that function as active as the reaction center or photosystem II and photosystem I. Photosystem Photosystem II consists of chlorophyll molecules that absorb light with a wavelength of 680 nanometers, 700 nanometers whereas photosystem I. The two photosystems this will work simultaneously in photosynthesis, such as the two batteries in a flashlight that works mutually reinforcing.
Photosynthesis begins when light ionizes the chlorophyll molecules in Photosystem II, releasing electrons are transferred along the electron transport chain. The energy of the electron is used for photophosphorylation that produce ATP, the energy exchange in the cell unit. Photosystem II reaction causes a deficit or lack of electrons that must be replaced immediately. In plants and algae, the electron deficiency is filled by electrons from the ionization of water ionization occurs simultaneously with chlorophyll. The result is an electron ionization of water and oxygen.